Monday, December 14, 2009

Wrapping the gifts

So, as I sit here blogging, I need to be wrapping. The shopping is done (mostly) and now I must wrap. I do this after many years of wrapping on Christmas Eve and cursing myself for not doing it sooner. I have no rhyme or reason on how to wrap, I just want to get it done.

I have a friend who wraps her kids presents all in different paper for each child. One gets santa, one gets candy canes, etc. etc. So then, she puts them all under the tree and doesn't tell them which is which until Christmas morning. That's one way of doing things. I admire it, I just don't do it.

I also do not put any presents under the tree until Christmas eve after the kids have gone to bed. To me, there is something so magical about waking up to all that under the tree. I love that expression of joy on their faces when they see it all. That's my tradition.

Everyone has different and wonderful traditions. Some open presents on Christmas Eve, some go to midnight mass, some have family Christmas early (we did that yesterday and the house was CLEAN) some just read the Chrismas story on Christmas eve. Whatever your tradition is, I say embrace it. Be silly, be serious, be whatever you need to be, just embrace the season and the craziness.

I am off to wrap, wrap, wrap. Have a blessed day.

God bless you and yours.

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